Back then (1993) we started sponsoring three children at one school. To date, we have supported over 1,200 students at 12 different schools. With every trip we take to Nepal, we like to look at other schools and are therefore always looking for new projects that we can take on.
Depending on their necessity, we provide schools with new buildings, renovations, teacher training and new equipment so that learning for Nepali children is improved and thus also their opportunities in later life.
We examine each local school to determine its relevance to the area, its eligibility for funding and its potential, and we get to know the respective head teachers, teaching staff and members of school management personally before any funding is provided.
In addition, the following projects were successfully completed:
Building houses for families after the 2015 earthquake
Temporary support for families suffering from the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic
The following schools were/are financially supported by the Nepal Children Overlack Foundation:
Our School locations
Earthquake relief 2015
Project: Construction of houses after the earthquake 2015
The devastating earthquake in 2015 caused significant damage, especially in the mountainous regions. Thousands of Nepalese lost their homes and the situation in the third world country worsened further. Nepal's main source of income - tourism - collapsed in 2015 and 2016. It was not until the summer of 2017 that it returned to regular activity.
For us, the earthquake presented a new challenge. Jörg Overlack spontaneously flew to Nepal and got an immediate impression of the situation of the schools. Fortunately, there were no casualties at the schools, partially because the day of the earthquake was a Nepalese holiday. The structural damage at the schools was also limited. However, many homes of students' families were destroyed.
Jörg Overlack recalls, "Our appeal for donations to support the earthquake recovery measures received an overwhelming response and enabled us to start a side project to rebuild some houses."
For the new construction of a total of 73 houses, materials and transport could be organized on-site. The material costs for one house were around €1,800. There was a predefined, uniform construction plan with earthquake-resistant reinforced concrete frame construction and masonry walls. The residents had to organize the (re)construction of the houses themselves, supervised and assisted by a dedicated civil engineer. Thanks to the strong communities in the mountain villages, the construction took place quickly and with a lot of local support. By the time all the houses were completed at the end of May 2018, documentation on every single house had been sent to us.
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Numerous outstanding students have been able to make a successful start to their professional lives thanks to our support. As of today, more than 500 children sponsored by us have graduated from school with a secondary school diploma or high school diploma and have started a self-determined life. About 55% of them are girls.
A 2017 survey of Morning Star Higher Secondary School, the first school we supported, found that of the 137 students we sponsored up to that point who graduated with a secondary school diploma, 48 went to university, including four in Australia, the U.S., and Japan, while 77 of the students were engaged in other work, nine of them abroad.
Only few exceptionally intelligent students who achieve extraordinary degrees receive financial aid for university. Ultimately, however, we leave the decision about further support to the individual sponsors themselves.
We would like to share eight selected stories of our previously sponsored students with you.